Practice winning habits

Whether it is good or bad, we all have them, habits. This is a tendency or practice that we have, which can be hard to give up. What are your habits? How do they affect your life? These are questions we need to ask ourselves. Are our habits contributing positively to our lives?

For me, I know I have some bad habits that needs to be put to rest. You see, your habits can affect your success in life. They should be aligned with your goals for yourself. For example, if reading inspirational stories and biographies is a habit of yours. Then, it’s likely that at some point, you will apply what you have learnt from these to your own life. One bad habit that we all have in common today, is that we devote too much time to our devices. We are so caught up with our smart phones, so much so, that it takes away valuable time that could be used to do something productive.

“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken”

-Warren Buffet

These patterns can be very hard to break, because of how wired they are into our brains. However, the solution may be to try and substitute a particular behavior with something else. Try reading a book that will uplift you, instead of spending time on social media. That’s just one example and I know breaking bad habits is not something that is easy, but, if you ( we) try to develop a substitute plan for all the patterns that we dislike, then little by little we can create new habits that foster growth and positivity.

What are winning habits? once you decide what your life goals are, then you will want to create practices that will help you in achieving them. Here are some winning habits that we can all adopt:

  • Surround yourself with successful people. You will learn more from someone who is already at that place you are trying to reach.
  • Always think positive. Always expect great things to happen, no matter the circumstances.
  • Be proactive. Don’t wait for things to happen, make it happen.
  • Seek advice. Since we don’t know it all, we have to ask for help on how to go about getting it done.
  • So I am not trying to bore you to death, so I am going to end by telling you that every little thing that we do each day, help to determine whether we win or loose. Let’s start creating winning habits that will ensure a positive outcome.

    1. I have been motivated and inspired lately just from reading your blogs.
      It’s on point and well written in a way that everyone can comprehend easily. 🙏🏻 You!

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